aurèce vettier, second tree prosthesis (forms derived from hemp) AV- 2022-U-259, bronze sculpture from AI-generated forms – Exhibition at Brownstone Foundation, Paris, 2022, Photo Nicolas Brasseur

Cover – (left to right) - aurèce vettier, sinuiflora absurdica (imp0ssibl3 tr33/1), bronze sculpture from AI-generated forms, 250 cm x 100 cm x 100 cm, AV-2024-U-544, 2021, exhibited at Bastide du Roy, Antibes, France. Photo Alban Ferrand
Sculpture – aurèce vettier, second tree prosthesis (forms derived from hemp) AV- 2022-U-259, bronze sculpture from AI-generated forms – Exhibition at Brownstone Foundation, Paris, 2022, Photo Nicolas Brasseur
Painting – aurèce vettier, impossible hemp samples, AV-2022-U-263, oil on canvas from AI generated forms, 150 cm x 120 cm, Exhibition at 91530 Le Marais, 2022, Photo Grégory Copitet

aurèce vettier, impossible hemp samples, AV-2022-U-263, oil on canvas from AI generated forms, 150 cm x 120 cm, Exhibition at 91530 Le Marais, 2022, Photo Grégory Copitet

aurèce vettier, the Mountain is the bond between Earth and Sky (forms derived from hemp), bronze sculptures from AI-generated forms, 368 cm x 20 cm x 20 cm – aurèce vettier, its petals are bloodied its thorns are two-pronged ice daggers that pierce my palms (AV-2022-U-260), and every time i touch it i bleed my breath has turned to steam (AV-2022-U-261), and in time it will freeze my lungs and the next thing i know i’ll be a ghost -locked inside myself (AV-2022-U-262), oil on canvas from AI generated forms, 150 cm x 120 cm each – Exhibition at Brownstone Foundation, Paris, 2022, Photo Nicolas Brasseur

aurèce vettier, bitter-hemp (AV-2022-U-251, AV-2022-U-252, AV-2022-U-253, AV-2022-U-254, AV-2022-U-255), bronze sculpture, forms generated with AI, Exhibition at 91530 Le Marais, 2022, Photo by Grégory Copitet

aurèce vettier, areal.collect(128), oil on canvas and AI generated forms, 220 cm x 185 cm, AV-2021-U-143, Exhibition «Liminal Territories» at pal project gallery, 2021, Photo by Romain Darnaud

aurèce vettier, model/milla alba, bronze sculpture, forms generated by AI, 70 cm x 50 cm, AV-2021-U-146, unique piece

Painting - aurèce vettier, potential hemp (while drifting in my old Porsche), oil on canvas and forms generated by AI, 120 cm x 90 cm, AV-2022-U-267, Exhibition 91530 Le Marais, 2022, Photo by Grégory Copitet
Sculpture - aurèce vettier, model/milla alba, bronze sculpture, forms generated by AI, 70 cm x 50 cm, AV-2021-U-146, unique piece

aurèce vettier, potential hemp (while drifting in my old Porsche), oil on canvas and forms generated by AI, 120 cm x 90 cm, AV-2022-U-267, Exhibition 91530 Le Marais, 2022, Photo by Grégory Copitet

Exhibition view Opus Sectile: de la marqueterie de pierres dures à aurèce vettier, galerie Gismondi & Darmo, Paris, 2021, Photo by Romain Darnaud

aurèce vettier, We will make you bow to the delicate, engraved sandstone tablets, AI generated alphabet, burnt birch frame, 13 cm x 9 cm each, AV-2020-U-71

«Latent Botanist» writing, an imaginary alphabet generated by AI from botanists’ notes.

Tablets – aurèce vettier, We will make you bow to the delicate, engraved sandstone tablets, AI generated alphabet, burnt birch frame, 13 cm x 9 cm each, AV-2020-U-71

aurèce vettier, We will make you bow to the delicate, engraved sandstone tablets, AI generated alphabet, burnt birch frame, 13 cm x 9 cm each, AV-2020-U-71
aurèce vettier, « je t’aperçois » - l’anti- chambre et le cabinet botaniste, digital images & NFT, AV-2021-U-278

Sculpture made in collaboration with Gilles & Boissier, bronze feet with AI-generated forms.

Scultpure – aurèce vettier, « je t’aperçois » - l’anti- chambre et le cabinet botaniste, digital images & NFT, AV-2022-U-278

Object / Video – aurèce vettier, le cabinet botaniste, sculpture in cedar wood and black patinated bronze legs, AI-generated forms, 180 cm x 40 cm x 40 cm, AV- 2022-U-275, in collaboration with Gilles & Boissier, Exhibition at the Musée des Archives Nationales.

aurèce vettier, model/sinotonia aquaticum, bronze sculpture, AI-generated forms, 95 cm x 64 cm, AV-2021-U-148, unique piece

aurèce vettier, wind measurement n°1 on Livada Beach, 30 avril 2022

Kinono Residency, Tinos, Greece: deployment of a system for capturing wind parameters, measurements on multiple windy sites on the island, generation of specific shapes from the wind parameters, sculpture on marble of the shapes in collaboration with local workshops.

Performance – aurèce vettier, wind measurement n°1 on Livada Beach, 30 apr 2022
Sculpture – aurèce vettier, wind fragment n°1 - livada beach, Sculpture on Tinos Marble, 20 cm x 30 cm, AV-2021-U-226

aurèce vettier, wind fragment n°1 - livada beach, Sculpture on Tinos Marble, 20 cm x 30 cm, AV-2021-U-226

Exhibition Wind Fragments, curated by Alexia Pappa, Cultural Foundation of Tinos, Greece, 2022

Reconstruction of the map of the island of Tinos with the marble fragments, interaction with the island’s inhabitants.

aurèce vettier Exhibition Wind Fragments, curated by Alexia Pappa, Cultural Foundation of Tinos, Greece, 2022

aurèce vettier, then came clouds of smoke, Digital Image and NFT [SuperRare token n°19199], Private collection, AV-2021-U-72, unique piece

Circular Ruins exhibition view, curated by Dayneris Brito, Gismondi & Darmo gallery, Paris, 2022, Photo by Romain Darnaud

aurèce vettier, Circular Ruins exhibition view, Gismondi & Darmo gallery, Paris, 2022, Photo by Romain Darnaud